Design Process
The design process is broken down into 3 phases – ‘Conceptual Masterplan’, ‘Detailed Masterplan’ and ‘Planting Plan’.
All design elements will be provided in both Paper & Digital form.
Conceptual Masterplan
To gain an understanding of the project and the clients brief, a preliminary, custom designed concept plan will be produced.
Following the 1st site visit once the project is launched, a survey, full site analysis and a written brief will be formed.
An initial Conceptual Masterplan with supporting documents will be produced followed by a presentation meeting to demonstrate the concept drawings and supporting images for the design proposal.
Detailed Masterplan
Once the Conceptual Masterplan is finalised, a scaled & rendered Detailed Masterplan is produced.
The written Title Bar contains the Design Concept with full details of all Hard Landscaping, Soft Landscaping and Lighting Design’ specifications.
This communicates the design intent to landscape contractors, allowing them to accurately tender for and carry out the construction phase.
Planting Plan
Tailored to the clients’ preference a colour scheme, plant palette and Planting Plan will be composed. This ensures that the desired effect of the planting scheme is carried out as intended by both the designer and the client.
A selection of ‘site and theme appropriate’ specimens will be produced, taking aspect, drainage and soil type into consideration,
A full plants list is presented, specifying Latin Botanical names with total numbers, forms and arrangement of all specimens.
The plant palette is presented for the clients’ approval prior to completing the ‘Planting Plan’.
Construction Phase
Upon completion of the design process, a meeting will take place with the client, contractor and designer to further discuss various elements of the design and construction phase.
Site visits are carried out periodically throughout the construction phase, to monitor quality of work and progression.